Monday 18 September 2017

🏝🏝 *Later :- āŠļāŠŪāŠŊ āŠŽāŠĪાāŠĩે āŠ›ે.*🏝🏝

🏝🏝 *Later :- સમય બતાવે છે.*🏝🏝

Ravi came later than Jayesh.

🏝 *Latter :-  સ્થિતિ બતાવે*🏝

Mahesh and Atul are friends. The former is fat but the *latter* is thin.

🏝 *Latest :- નવો સમય બતાવે*🏝

I have purchased the *latest* edition.

🏝 *Last :- છેલ્લી સ્થિતિ બતાવે*🏝

This is the *last* chance to win competition.

☔☔☔☔ *વિક્રમ ચૌધરી*☔☔☔

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